
The One And Only Nate Bozung

UPDOWNMAG.COM: BOZUNG INTERVIEW (TEASER) from updown magazine on Vimeo.

Love him or Hate him Nate Bozung is here to stay thankfully. Nate has been busy living the life in Greece and while the snowboarding has been a little light on of late he has still managed to keep his presence felt with many a web video. The guys at Updown have an interview coming out with Nate that was done by good friend and business partner Matty Ryan in their next issue. So to give you an insight into what went on they have created this little interview teaser.

Warning Nate does say a couple of bad words in this clip, but you already knew that was going happen.

Check www.updownmagazine.com October 5th for the entire online version of the interview.