
Not That Special After All

Since starting the Woods we have been lucky enough to be invited to the odd shred event here and there. Now we don't expect VIP treatment as apart from always telling ourselves that we want to keep it real the VIP tent is always a huge bro down which can get a bit much at times.

At the recent Boost SnoSho event we were sitting in the bar before the event kicked off when a good friend came up and said that the Woods crew was on the list for the VIP section. Now as you may of seen from an earlier post the weather was not the best for the SnoSho so the prospect of some warmth and a couple of beers was very appealing.

So off we strolled explaining to the security guard "trust us" our names are on the list. When we got to the stairway to heaven or so we thought we had the following conversation.

Woods: Hi there.
Keeper Of The Gate: Hi, your name?
Woods: The Woods plus 2.
Keeper Of The Gate: Hmmmmm
Woods: Pretty sure we should be on there...
Keeper Of the Gate: Hmmmmm
Woods: I hope we are on there...
Keeper Of the Gate: You must be on the other list.
Woods: Right and where is that list.
Keeper Of the Gate: Over at the other section over there. (Pointing to the other side of the event)
Woods: OK, thanks.

So off we strolled thinking that maybe we are VVIP by having a blog and all. Once we reached the destination we thought it was strange there was no "Keeper Of the Gate" here and as we proceeded to climb the stairs to what we hoped was a land of warmth and beer we found out why.

Nothing like being bumped to the "no so VIP list" to make you realise that your not that special after all.

This post is not a rant by a whingeing blogger towards Boost as they always put on a killer event in terrible weather. The experience just made us laugh and kept us nice and grounded, just the way it should be.